Scala with Cats🐈

Anatomy of a Type Class

This is used to provide .print on any object that we have a Printable with that type.

object PrintableSyntax{
  implicit class PrintableOps[A](value: A){
    def format(implicit p: Printable[A]) = p.format(value)
    def print(implicit p: Printable[A]) = println(p.format(value))

Monoids and Semigroups

Adding ints is closed. (a: Int, b: Int) => Int. The identity of add is 0, as 0 + a = a

If the order doesn’t matter it’s called associativity:

(1 + 2) + 3
// res3: Int = 6
1 + (2 + 3)
// res4: Int = 6

Formally, a monoid for a type A is:

Integer subtraction, for example, is not a monoid because subtraction is not associative:

(1 - 2) - 3
// res15: Int = -4
1 - (2 - 3)
// res16: Int = 2

Examples of Monoids:

Definition of a Semigroup

A semigroup is just the combine part of a monoid.

trait Semigroup[A] {
  def combine(x: A, y: A): A
trait Monoid[A] extends Semigroup[A] {
  def empty: A

Monoids in Cats:

import cats.Monoid
import cats.instances.string._ // for Monoid
Monoid[String].combine("Hi ", "there")
// res0: String = Hi there
// res1: String = ""

The combine method is also accessible as |+|

import cats.instances.string._ // for Monoid
import cats.syntax.semigroup._ // for |+|
val stringResult = "Hi " |+| "there" |+| Monoid[String].empty 
// stringResult: String = Hi there
import // for Monoid
val intResult = 1 |+| 2 |+| Monoid[Int].empty
// intResult: Int = 3


Informally, a functor is anything with a map method.
single argument functions are also functors
function composition is sequencing

val func =
  ((x: Int) => x.toDouble).
    map(x => x + 1).
    map(x => x * 2).
    map(x => x + "!")
// res10: String = 248.0!

Calling map doesn’t actually execute the code, it just chains the operations together. Only after supplying an argument to the generated function it gets executed. We can think of this as lazily queueing up operations similar to Future

Formally, a functor is a type F[A] with an operation map with type (A => B) => F[B]

Functors in Cats:

package cats
import scala.language.higherKinds
trait Functor[F[_]] {
  def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]

Functors Laws:
Identity: calling map with the identity function is the same as doing nothing: => a) == fa

Composition: mapping with two functions f and g is the same as mapping with f and then mapping with g: ==

Aside: Higher Kinds and Type Constructors

Kinds are like types for types. They describe the number of “holes” in a type
For example, List is a type constructor with one hole. We fill that hole by specifying a parameter to produce a regular type like List[Int] or List[A]. The trick is not to confuse type constructors with generic types. List is a type constructor, List[A] is a type:

// Declare F using underscores:
def myMethod[F[_]] = {
  // Reference F without underscores:
  val functor = Functor.apply[F]
  // ...

From stackoverflow
A type constructor is a type that you can apply to type arguments to “construct” a type.
A value constructor is a value that you can apply to value arguments to “construct” a value.

                   proper    first-order           higher-order

values             10        (x: Int) => x         (f: (Int => Int)) => f(10)
types (classes)    String    List                  Functor
types              String    ({type λ[x] = x})#λ   ({type λ[F[x]] = F[String]})#λ

Relationship between values, types and kinds

Continue Functors

To define a new Functor you just need to define it’s map method:

implicit val optionFunctor: Functor[Option] =
  new Functor[Option] {
    def map[A, B](value: Option[A])(func: A => B): Option[B] =

See Binary tree functor example for real-world example.
Important here is that toFunctorOps from cats.implicits._ needs to be imported for it to work, otherwise it can’t find the implicitly defined functor.

Contravariant and Invariant Functors

The contravariant functor, provides an operation called contramap that represents “prepending” an operation to a chain.

Example here, note self alias to distinguish between the 2 format methods.

object Contramap extends App {

  trait Printable[A] {
    self => def format(value: A): String

    def contramap[B](func: B => A): Printable[B] =
      new Printable[B] {
        def format(value: B): String = self.format(func(value))

  def format[A](value: A)(implicit p: Printable[A]): String = p.format(value)

This uses the contramap to more efficiently create a printable for the Box[A] type. This is more convenient instead of creating a new Printable[Box[A]] instance.

 final case class Box[A](value: A)
 implicit def boxPrintable[A](implicit p: Printable[A]) = p.contramap[Box[A]](_.value)

  // this should work
  format(Box("hello world"))
  // res5: String = "hello world"
  // res6: String = yes

Detour: self types

trait User {
  def username: String

trait Tweeter {
  this: User =>  // reassign this
  def tweet(tweetText: String) = println(s"$username: $tweetText")

class VerifiedTweeter(val username_ : String) extends Tweeter with User {  // We mixin User because Tweeter required it
	def username = s"real $username_"

val realBeyoncé = new VerifiedTweeter("Beyoncé")
realBeyoncé.tweet("Just spilled my glass of lemonade")  // prints "real Beyoncé: Just spilled my glass of lemonade"

In this case in the trait Tweeter this is assigned to the trait User, so it must be mixed in during mixin. Also because it is called this the usage is inferred (you can omit this.username).

Invariant functors

Invariant functors implement a function called imap. It’s like a combination of map and contramap. Map generates new type class instances by appending a function to a chain, contramap generates them by prepending it to the chain. imap generates them via a pair of bidirectional transformations.

This is usually used for encoding and decoding a data type.

object imap extends App {

  trait Codec[A] {
    def encode(value: A): String

    def decode(value: String): A

    def imap[B](dec: A => B, enc: B => A): Codec[B] = {
      val self = this
      new Codec[B] {
        def encode(value: B): String =

        def decode(value: String): B =

Example (string to string is a no-op):

implicit val stringCodec: Codec[String] =
  new Codec[String] {
    def encode(value: String): String = value
    def decode(value: String): String = value

implicit val intCodec: Codec[Int] =
  stringCodec.imap(_.toInt, _.toString)
implicit val booleanCodec: Codec[Boolean] =
  stringCodec.imap(_.toBoolean, _.toString)


a monad is anything with a constructor and a flatMap method.
A monad is a mechanism for sequencing computations.
Every monad is also a functor (see below for proof), so we can rely on both flatMap and map to sequence computations that do and don’t introduce a new monad. Plus, if we have both flatMap and map we can use for comprehensions to clarify the sequencing behaviour:

def stringDivideBy(aStr: String, bStr: String): Option[Int] = for {
    aNum <- parseInt(aStr)
    bNum <- parseInt(bStr)
    ans  <- divide(aNum, bNum)
} yield ans

Simplified version of Monad in Cats:

import scala.language.higherKinds
trait Monad[F[_]] {
  def pure[A](value: A): F[A]
  def flatMap[A, B](value: F[A])(func: A => F[B]): F[B]

Laws that must be obeyed:

Left identity: calling pure and transforming the result with func is the same as calling func:

pure(a).flatMap(func) == func(a)

Right identity: passing pure to flatMap is the same as doing nothing:

m.flatMap(pure) == m

Associativity: flatMapping over two functions f and g is the same as flatMapping over f and then flatMapping over g:

m.flatMap(f).flatMap(g) == m.flatMap(x => f(x).flatMap(g))

Implementing a map function for a monad:

trait Monad[F[_]] {
    def pure[A](a: A): F[A]

    def flatMap[A, B](value: F[A])(func: A => F[B]): F[B]

    def map[A, B](value: F[A])(func: A => B): F[B] =
      flatMap(value)(a => pure(func(a)))


In Monad[F[_]], F represents an “effect” or “computational context” like Future, Either or Option that allows applying a function (A => B or A => F[B]) to a single effectful value (A) without needing to “leave” that “effect” or “computational context” (F) and convert that value to desire effectful value (B).

The Identity Monad

This only works on Options and Lists.

import scala.language.higherKinds
import cats.Monad
import cats.syntax.functor._ // for map
import cats.syntax.flatMap._ // for flatMap
def sumSquare[F[_]: Monad](a: F[Int], b: F[Int]): F[Int] = 
  for {
    x <- a
    y <- b
  } yield x*x + y*y

To use plain values cats.Id can be used:

import cats.Id
sumSquare(3 : Id[Int], 4 : Id[Int])
// res2: cats.Id[Int] = 25

This implements map, flatMap and pure for Id. Interesting here is that map & flatMap are actually the same, also all type info can be ignored, as A will be cast to Id[A] automatically

object MonadicId extends App {

  import cats.Id

  def pure[A](value: A): Id[A] = value

  def map[A, B](initial: Id[A])(func: A => B): Id[B] =

  def flatMap[A, B](initial: Id[A])(func: A => Id[B]): Id[B] = func(initial)



Identity Monad allows us to write functions that work with monadic and non-monadic values and it is very powerful because we can wrap values into “effect” or “computational context” in production and remove them from “effect” or “computational context” for test using Identity Monad. For example, we can run code asynchronously in the production using the Future and synchronously in the test using the Identity Monad and easily switch between asynchronous and synchronous world.


Since scala 2.12, Either is right-biased. flatMap will point to Right.
There are some convenience methods in Cats:

import cats.syntax.either._ // for asRight
val a = 3.asRight[String]
// a: Either[String,Int] = Right(3)
val b = 4.asRight[String]
// b: Either[String,Int] = Right(4)
for {
x <- a
y <- b
} yield x*x + y*y
// res4: scala.util.Either[String,Int] = Right(25)

Error handling

for {
  a <- 1.asRight[String]
  b <- 0.asRight[String]
  c <- if(b == 0) "DIV0".asLeft[Int]
       else (a / b).asRight[String]
} yield c * 100
// res21: scala.util.Either[String,Int] = Left(DIV0)

Cats provides an additional type class called MonadError that abstracts over Either-like data types that are used for error handling. MonadError provides extra operations for raising and handling errors.
Simple version:

package cats
trait MonadError[F[_], E] extends Monad[F] {
  // Lift an error into the `F` context:
  def raiseError[A](e: E): F[A]
  // Handle an error, potentially recovering from it:
  def handleError[A](fa: F[A])(f: E => A): F[A]
  // Test an instance of `F`,
  // failing if the predicate is not satisfied:
  def ensure[A](fa: F[A])(e: E)(f: A => Boolean): F[A]

Eval Monad

cats.Eval is a monad that allows us to abstract over different models of evaluation. We typically hear of two such models: eager and lazy. Eval throws in a further distinction of whether or not a result is memoized.

Scala Type When?
Eager immediately  
Lazy on access  
Memoized run once on first access, after that results are cached  

val: eager, memoized

val x = {
  println("Computing X")
// Computing X
// x: Double = 0.32119158749503807
x // first access
// res0: Double = 0.32119158749503807
x // second access
// res1: Double = 0.32119158749503807

def: lazy, not memoized

def y = {
  println("Computing Y")
// y: Double
y // first access
// Computing Y
// res2: Double = 0.5179245763430056
y // second access
// Computing Y
// res3: Double = 0.8657077812314633

lazy val: lazy, memoized

lazy val z = {
  println("Computing Z")
// z: Double = <lazy>
z // first access
// Computing Z
// res4: Double = 0.027165389120539563
z // second access
// res5: Double = 0.027165389120539563

Eval in cats

import cats.Eval
val now = + 1000)
// now: cats.Eval[Double] = Now(1000.6884369117727)
val later = Eval.later(math.random + 2000)
// later: cats.Eval[Double] = cats.Later@71175ee9
val always = Eval.always(math.random + 3000)
// always: cats.Eval[Double] = cats.Always@462e2fea

Extract the value with now.value As Eval is a Monad it can be chained, and steps are cached:

val saying = Eval.
  always { println("Step 1"); "The cat" }.
  map { str => println("Step 2"); s"$str sat on" }.
  map { str => println("Step 3"); s"$str the mat" }
// saying: cats.Eval[String] = cats.Eval$$anon$8@7a0389b5
saying.value // first access
// Step 1
// Step 2
// Step 3
// res18: String = The cat sat on the mat
saying.value // second access
// Step 3
// res19: String = The cat sat on the mat

One useful property of Eval is that its map and flatMap methods are trampolined. This means we can nest calls to map and flatMap arbitrarily without consuming stack frames. We call this property “stack safety”. Example:

def factorial(n: BigInt): BigInt =
  if(n == 1) n else n * factorial(n - 1)

factorial(50000) will stackoverflow

  def factorial(n: BigInt): Eval[BigInt] =
   if(n == 1) {
   } else {
     Eval.defer(factorial(n - 1).map(_ * n))

we must bear in mind that trampolining is not free. It avoids consuming stack by creating a chain of function objects on the heap. There are still limits on how deeply we can nest computations, but they are bounded by the size of the heap rather than the stack.

The Reader Monad

Used to sequence operations that depend on some input.

case class Cat(name: String, favoriteFood: String)
// defined class Cat
val catName: Reader[Cat, String] =
  Reader(cat =>
// catName:[Cat,String] = Kleisli(<function1>)"Garfield", "lasagne"))
// res0: cats.Id[String] = Garfield


map just extends the computation, by passing the result through a function

val greetKitty: Reader[Cat, String] = => s"Hello ${name}")"Heathcliff", "junk food")) // res1: cats.Id[String] = Hello Heathcliff

flatmap (using for comprehension)

val feedKitty: Reader[Cat, String] =
Reader(cat => s"Have a nice bowl of ${cat.favoriteFood}")
val greetAndFeed: Reader[Cat, String] =
  for {
    greet <- greetKitty
    feed  <- feedKitty
  } yield s"$greet. $feed."
greetAndFeed(Cat("Garfield", "lasagne"))
// res3: cats.Id[String] = Hello Garfield. Have a nice bowl of lasagne
greetAndFeed(Cat("Heathcliff", "junk food"))
// res4: cats.Id[String] = Hello Heathcliff. Have a nice bowl of junk

Reader example with chaining: Readers

case class Db(
                usernames: Map[Int, String],
                passwords: Map[String, String]

type DbReader[A] = Reader[Db, A]

def findUsername(userId: Int): DbReader[Option[String]] = Reader(db => db.usernames.get(userId))

def checkPassword(username: String, password: String): DbReader[Boolean] =
  Reader(db => db.passwords.get(username).map(_ == password).getOrElse(false))

def checkLogin(userId: Int, password: String): DbReader[Boolean] = for {
  username <- findUsername(userId)
  valid <-, password)).getOrElse(false.pure[DbReader])
} yield valid

Unfortunately I got this error while compiling, somehow there must be a clash between 2 implicits for the false.pure

Error:(26, 19) ambiguous implicit values:
 both method catsDataMonadForKleisliId in class KleisliInstances of type [A]=> cats.CommutativeMonad[[Îł$15$][[A]A,A,Îł$15$]]
 and method catsApplicativeForArrow in object Applicative of type [F[_, _], A](implicit F: cats.arrow.Arrow[F])cats.Applicative[[ÎČ$0$]F[A,ÎČ$0$]]
 match expected type cats.Applicative[Readers.DbReader]

Readers are most useful in situations where:

The State Monad

instances of State[S, A] represent functions of type S => (S, A).Sis the type of the state and A is the type of the result.

val a = State[Int, String] { state =>
  (state, s"The state is $state")
// a:[Int,String] =

// Get the state and the result:
val (state, result) =
// state: Int = 10
// result: String = The state is 10
// Get the state, ignore the result:
val state = a.runS(10).value
// state: Int = 10
// Get the result, ignore the state:
val result = a.runA(10).value
// result: String = The state is 10

The map and flatMap methods thread the state from one instance to another. Each individual instance represents an atomic state transformation, and their combination represents a complete sequence of changes

Defining Custom Monads

Example for Option

import cats.Monad
import scala.annotation.tailrec
val optionMonad = new Monad[Option] {
  def flatMap[A, B](opt: Option[A])
      (fn: A => Option[B]): Option[B] =
    opt flatMap fn
  def pure[A](opt: A): Option[A] =
  def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)
      (fn: A => Option[Either[A, B]]): Option[B] =
    fn(a) match {
      case None           => None
      case Some(Left(a1)) => tailRecM(a1)(fn)
      case Some(Right(b)) => Some(b)

tailRecM is used to minimize stack space used

Monad Transformers

It quickly can become cumbersome to work with a lot of nested Monads:

def lookupUserName(id: Long): Either[Error, Option[String]] = 
for {
    optUser <- lookupUser(id)
  } yield {
    for { user <- optUser } yield
import cats.Monad
import cats.syntax.applicative._ // for pure
import cats.syntax.flatMap._     // for flatMap
import scala.language.higherKinds
// Hypothetical example. This won't actually compile:
def compose[M1[_]: Monad, M2[_]: Monad] = {
  type Composed[A] = M1[M2[A]]
  new Monad[Composed] {
    def pure[A](a: A): Composed[A] =
    def flatMap[A, B](fa: Composed[A])
        (f: A => Composed[B]): Composed[B] =
      // Problem! How do we write flatMap?

It is impossible to write a general definition of flatMap without knowing something about M1 or M2

If we do know something about one of the types we can complete the code.
For Option:

def flatMap[A, B](fa: Composed[A])
    (f: A => Composed[B]): Composed[B] =

Cats provides transformers for many monads, each named with a T suffix: EitherT composes Either with other monads, OptionT composes Option, and so on.

type ListOption[A] = OptionT[List, A]
import cats.Monad
import cats.instances.list._     // for Monad
import cats.syntax.applicative._ // for pure
val result1: ListOption[Int] = OptionT(List(Option(10))) // result1: ListOption[Int] = OptionT(List(Some(10)))
val result2: ListOption[Int] = 32.pure[ListOption] // result2: ListOption[Int] = OptionT(List(Some(32)))

result1.flatMap { (x: Int) => { (y: Int) =>
// res1:[List,Int] = OptionT(List(Some(42)))

The transformer itself represents the inner monad in a stack, while the first type parameter specifies the outer monad. The remaining type parameters are the types we’ve used to form the corresponding monads. For example, our ListOption type above is an alias for OptionT[List, A] but the result is effectively a List[Option[A]]. In other words, we build monad stacks from the inside out:

For example, let’s create a Future of an Either of Option. Once again we build this from the inside out with an OptionT of an EitherT of Future. However, we can’t define this in one line because EitherT has three type parameters:

case class EitherT[F[_], E, A](stack: F[Either[E, A]]) {
    // etc...

The three type parameters are as follows:

import scala.concurrent.Future
import{EitherT, OptionT}

type FutureEither[A] = EitherT[Future, String, A]
type FutureEitherOption[A] = OptionT[FutureEither, A]

import cats.instances.future._ // for Monad
import scala.concurrent.Await
import import scala.concurrent.duration._

val futureEitherOr: FutureEitherOption[Int] =
  for {
    a <- 10.pure[FutureEitherOption]
    b <- 32.pure[FutureEitherOption]
  } yield a + b

Unpacking MonadTranformers:

// Create using apply:
val errorStack1 = OptionT[ErrorOr, Int](Right(Some(10)))
// errorStack1:[ErrorOr,Int] = OptionT(Right(Some(10)))

// Extracting the untransformed monad stack:
// res11: ErrorOr[Option[Int]] = Right(Some(10))
// Mapping over the Either in the stack:
// res13: scala.util.Either[String,Int] = Right(32)

Usage patterns

Creating “super stacks” is pretty common. Example for request handlers:

sealed abstract class HttpError
final case class NotFound(item: String) extends HttpError final case class BadRequest(msg: String) extends HttpError // etc...
type FutureEither[A] = EitherT[Future, HttpError, A]

We use something similar in our codebase:

  type EitherST[F[_], A] = EitherT[F, String, A]
  type EitherFT[A]       = EitherST[Future, A]


Semigroupal and Applicative

Problems with Monads:

This is because it is assumed that computation in flatMap are dependend on the result of the last one.

 // context2 is dependent on value1:
context1.flatMap(value1 => context2)

From Stackoverflow:

Writing applicative code allows you to avoid making unnecessary claims about dependencies between computations—claims that similar monadic code would commit you to. A sufficiently smart library or compiler could in principle take advantage of this fact.

Monadic code example:

case class Foo(s: Symbol, n: Int)

val maybeFoo = for {
  s <- maybeComputeS(whatever)
  n <- maybeComputeN(whatever)
} yield Foo(s, n)

We know that maybeComputeN(whatever) doesn’t depend on s (assuming these are well-behaved methods that aren’t changing some mutable state behind the scenes), but the compiler doesn’t—from its perspective it needs to know s before it can start computing n.

The applicative version (using Scalaz) looks like this:

val maybeFoo = (maybeComputeS(whatever) |@| maybeComputeN(whatever))(Foo(_, _))

This means that there is no dependency between the two computations


If we have two objects of type F[A] and F[B], a Semigroupal[F] allows us to combine them to form an F[(A, B)] Definition in Cats:

trait Semigroupal[F[_]] {
  def product[A, B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(A, B)]
import cats.Semigroupal
import cats.instances.option._ // for Semigroupal
Semigroupal[Option].product(Some(123), Some("abc")) // res0: Option[(Int, String)] = Some((123,abc)

if both are Some it will return a tuple, if either of them is None it will create None:

Semigroupal[Option].product(None, Some("abc")) // res1: Option[(Nothing, String)] = None
Semigroupal[Option].product(Some(123), None)
// res2: Option[(Int, Nothing)] = None

Short version:

import cats.instances.option._ // for Semigroupal
import cats.syntax.apply._ // for tupled and mapN

 (Option(123), Option("abc")).tupled
// res7: Option[(Int, String)] = Some((123,abc))

mapN supports an implicit Functor and a function that matches the arity(number of parameters) to combine the values:

case class Cat(name: String, born: Int, color: String)
  Option("Orange & black")
// res9: Option[Cat] = Some(Cat(Garfield,1978,Orange & black)

N can also be substituted by the number of parameters (map3)


The semantics for Future provide parallel as opposed to sequential execution:

import cats.Semigroupal
import cats.instances.future._ // for Semigroupal
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.language.higherKinds

val futurePair = Semigroupal[Future].
  product(Future("Hello"), Future(123))

Await.result(futurePair, 1.second)
// res1: (String, Int) = (Hello,123)


Combining Lists with Semigroupal produces some potentially unexpected results. We might expect code like the following to zip the lists, but we actually get the cartesian product of their elements:

import cats.Semigroupal
import cats.instances.list._ // for Semigroupal
Semigroupal[List].product(List(1, 2), List(3, 4))
// res5: List[(Int, Int)] = List((1,3), (1,4), (2,3), (2,4))


We might expect product applied to Either to accumulate errors instead of fail fast. Again, perhaps surprisingly, we find that product implements the same fail-fast behaviour as flatMap:

import cats.instances.either._ // for Semigroupal
type ErrorOr[A] = Either[Vector[String], A]
  Left(Vector("Error 1")),
  Left(Vector("Error 2"))
// res7: ErrorOr[(Nothing, Nothing)] = Left(Vector(Error 1))

Excercise product with flatmap

We choose our semantics by choosing our data structures. If we choose a monad, we get strict sequencing. If we choose an applicative, we lose the ability to flatMap. This is the trade-off enforced by the consistency laws. So choose your types carefully!

Foldable and Traverse


Folding needs a accumulator value & a binary function to combine each item in the sequence:

def show[A](list: List[A]): String = 
  list.foldLeft("nil")((accum, item) => s"$item then $accum")
// res0: String = nil
show(List(1, 2, 3))
// res1: String = 3 then 2 then 1 then nil

Exercise: Reflecting on Folds

Foldable contains a bunch of useful methods to safely (stack-safe) fold over collections

import // for Monoid
Foldable[List].combineAll(List(1, 2, 3))
// res12: Int = 6
import cats.instances.vector._ // for Monoid
val ints = List(Vector(1, 2, 3), Vector(4, 5, 6))
(Foldable[List] compose Foldable[Vector]).combineAll(ints)
// res15: Int = 21


import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val hostnames = List(
def getUptime(hostname: String): Future[Int] =
  Future(hostname.length * 60) // just for demonstration

We want to poll all of the hosts and collect all of their uptimes. map would create a List[Future[Int]], we want a single Future though. Done manually using .fold:

val allUptimes: Future[List[Int]] = hostnames.foldLeft(Future(List.empty[Int])) {
    (accum, host) =>
      val uptime = getUptime(host)
      for {
        accum  <- accum
        uptime <- uptime
      } yield accum :+ uptime
Await.result(allUptimes, 1.second)
// res2: List[Int] = List(1020, 960, 840)

Much cleaner is:

val allUptimes: Future[List[Int]] =
Await.result(allUptimes, 1.second)
// res3: List[Int] = List(1020, 960, 840)

The definition is this:

def traverse[A, B](values: List[A])
    (func: A => Future[B]): Future[List[B]] =
values.foldLeft(Future(List.empty[A])) { (accum, host) => val item = func(host)
for {
      accum <- accum
      item  <- item
    } yield accum :+ item

Future sequence is even easier:

object Future {
def sequence[B](futures: List[Future[B]]): Future[List[B]] =
// etc...

Starts with a List[A] ends with a Future[List[A]]

Cats’ Traverse type class generalises these patterns to work with any type of Applicative: Future, Option, Validated, and so on.

// is the same as
import cats.Applicative
import cats.instances.future._

Our combine function is now the same as:

import cats.syntax.apply._ // for mapN
// Combining accumulator and hostname using an Applicative:
def newCombine(accum: Future[List[Int]], host: String): Future[List[Int]] =
  (accum, getUptime(host)).mapN(_ :+ _)


The abstract concept of composing functions of type A => F[B] has a name: a Kleisli. Kleisli is just another name for ReaderT

Kleisli enables composition of functions that return a monadic value. One of the best properties of functions is that they compose:
given a function A => B and a function B => C, we can combine them to create a new function A => C

val twice: Int => Int =
  x => x * 2

val countCats: Int => String =
  x => if (x == 1) "1 cat" else s"$x cats"

val twiceAsManyCats: Int => String =
  twice andThen countCats // equivalent to: countCats compose twice

Sometimes, our functions will need to return monadic values. For instance, consider the following set of functions.

val parse: String => Option[Int] =
  s => if (s.matches("-?[0-9]+")) Some(s.toInt) else None

val reciprocal: Int => Option[Double] =
  i => if (i != 0) Some(1.0 / i) else None

Here we can’t use compose or andThen, so we need to use Kleisli: Kleisli[F[_], A, B] is just a wrapper around the function A => F[B]

import cats.FlatMap
import cats.implicits._

final case class Kleisli[F[_], A, B](run: A => F[B]) {
  def compose[Z](k: Kleisli[F, Z, A])(implicit F: FlatMap[F]): Kleisli[F, Z, B] =
    Kleisli[F, Z, B](z =>

// Bring in cats.FlatMap[Option] instance
import cats.implicits._

val parse: Kleisli[Option,String,Int] =
  Kleisli((s: String) => if (s.matches("-?[0-9]+")) Some(s.toInt) else None)

val reciprocal: Kleisli[Option,Int,Double] =
  Kleisli((i: Int) => if (i != 0) Some(1.0 / i) else None)

val parseAndReciprocal: Kleisli[Option,String,Double] =