EitherT is not covariant

I just stumbled about the issue that EitherT is not covariant. I started out by converting our errors from String to a nicer Error type (we did String matching before, to check the type of the error):

  def authenticate(email: String, plainPassword: String): EitherFT[User] =
    for {
      user <- EitherT(
            _.flatMap {
              case (user, hashed) =>
                Try(if (plainPassword.equalsHashed(hashed)) user.some else None).getOrElse(None)
            }.toRightDisjunction("Invalid email or password.")
    } yield user

I introduced some types:

sealed trait EmailError { val message: String }
case class InvalidEmailOrPasswordError(override val message: String)                    extends EmailError

So EitherFT[User] must become EitherT[Future, EmailError, User] And changed the disjunction to

.toRightDisjunction(InvalidEmailOrPasswordError("Invalid email or password."))

Now we have a proper type. Just one problem, EitherT is not actually covariant (reasons follow), so InvalidEmailOrPasswordError is not allowed to be interpreted as an EmailError

To solve this, you can use the method .widen[EmailError, User], which will basically make EitherT covariant for all intents and purposes.

I haven’t found any usages of .widen in our code, so that’s why I’m sharing this here. Background: https://typelevel.org/blog/2018/09/29/monad-transformer-variance.html



Selective Functions

Figure out which effects a program will have via the type system. https://youtu.be/gs7MNm6YMX4